Atlanta Doula Connect

Atlanta Doula Connect

Atlanta Doula Connect

Planning for Delivery with a Doula

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Although these months may be stressful, here are tips to help you to prepare and ease worries and anxieties.

Doulas welcome communication and will want to discuss if they will be able to join you in person or if they will have to come in digitally. There is a lot of information on partnering with a Doula in person.

Here are tips to help your partner work with a Virtual Doula.

Our goal is for you to have a smooth pregnancy. We wish you a happy and healthy journey!

1. Research Hospital Requirements and Restrictions

We encourage you and your partner to research the changing policies established by your chosen hospital regarding in-person or virtual doula presence and the number of people who can be present with you during your delivery. 

These have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we expect they will continue to change as the health system adjusts to current conditions.

2. Create a Birth Plan

Contents of the Plan

Develop a birth plan of your preferences and requests for during and after your delivery.

Your birth plan may include:

  • Who will be included in the support team,
  • Your preferred method of pain management
  • Postpartum and newborn care
  • Any other wishes you may have

Be sure to discuss your plans with your Doula, your partner as well as your healthcare providers and their office when you reach Labor and Delivery.

Plans Still Change

Keep in mind that your plan may be subject to changes as labor and delivery and COVID-19 pandemic situations are unpredictable.

How You'll be Assisted

Your Partner

If you plan to have a birth partner present during labor (whether it be your spouse, friend, parent, or other loved one), they may be unsure about how to best support you during the childbirth process. Your doula can provide tips to your partner about how they can be involved in helping to keep you comfortable.

If you have a virtual doula, your partner should help make sure your technology is working so you can see your Virtual Doula. Here are tips to help your partner work with a Virtual Doula.

However, a doula can also be useful in another way: with a doula present to take care of physical comfort measures and advocacy, your birth partner is enabled to be fully present. With the doula handling these important roles, your birth partner can experience the birth process with you as well as provide attentive emotional support to you.


Your Doula

Doulas are trained to provide a range of services that can make it more likely that you will have a childbirth experience that you are satisfied with. Doulas provide physical and emotional comfort measures during labor. Doulas can also provide education regarding the various symptoms and interventions that may occur while you are pregnant or while in labor, which helps you make informed decisions regarding your and your baby’s care. In addition, your doula can advocate for you by requesting that healthcare providers meet your needs in a timely, respectful, and evidence-based manner.


Virtual Doulas

If your doula is unable to be physically present due to COVID-19 restrictions, she can still be of great use to you! She can (virtually) provide emotional support, advocacy, education, and helpful suggestions for your birth partner regarding how they can support you.