[1] March of Dimes. (2019). Dental Health During Pregnancy. Retrieved from https://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/dental-health-during-pregnancy.aspx
[2] NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center. (2018). Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Bone Health. Retrieved from https://www.bones.nih.gov/health-info/bone/bone-health/pregnancy
Ask mothers if they have a dental home or in need of oral health resources. If they do not have a dentist or if urgent care is needed, direct them to the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia Resource Portal.
Clients covered by Medicaid need to bring a completed DMA 635 form, which can be found and in the GAMMIS portal.
During the first prenatal education workshop, provide the following assessment:
Advise clients:
Teach the following topics during prenatal education:
Advise clients to bring a “dental note” from their primary care providers to their dentists, stating that dental work is safe for the client.
Provide handouts at front desk and/or during prenatal education workshops.